Report Hinduphobia

Hindu Human Rights Australia would like to help you report Indophobia and/or Hinduphobia, to support and assist Hindus to accurately register, report and make any necessary complaints to relevant authorities in Australia and New Zealand.

Get support now if you need it. Please do not wait for HHR to reply!
Contact police if you are at risk or a victim or witness of crime.
Reach out to a friend, your health professional or freecall service.

If you are in immediate danger in Australia call 000. If you are a victim or witness of a crime, to contact police, please call 131 444 or find your local police station here.

If you are experiencing emotional or mental health concerns please contact the 24 hour freecall service at Lifeline on 13 11 141. More options are available from the Australian Government National Mental Health Commission.

I am ready to report!

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